Taking Better Care of My Hair

Like most women, I’ve had a love-hate relationship with my hair for most of my life. My hair is fine, naturally curly and frizzy. When I was a kid, I tried out different lengths. I went through a bangs phase that probably lasted a little too long. In high school, I got highlights for the first time. For a little while, I was a slave to my flat iron. But, I’ve come to appreciate my curls, and over the past couple of years, I’ve started taking better care of my hair. I don’t love how it looks every day, but I like it most days, and it’s definitely in better shape. If one of your 2019 resolutions is to take better care of your hair, here are some tips:

  1. Find a hairdresser who understands your hair. I had one hairdresser for 16 years before I moved during high school, but ever since then, I’ve never really found one I wanted to commit to long term. When I moved to the NYC, I would search Gilt City and similar sites for deals, and go with whichever salon had the best reviews. But, then Grace posted about her then hairdresser, Jay. I looked him up and discovered that he worked for a salon specializing in curls. When I went to see him, he gave me a cut that would work curly and straight. My hair looks great every time, and I keep going back! (He’s amazing at color too!)
  2. Invest in specialized products. Similarly, I’ve always been frugal when it came to products. But, after I tried some of Living Proof’s new No Frizz line as part of a Sephora reward last year, I decided to invest. Now, I use their No Frizz Shampoo and Conditioner, and Restore Perfecting Spray, which is a great detangler. They’re expensive, but they last a long time, and I can tell that they’ve made a difference.
  3. Stop using regular towels on your hair. Drying your hair with the same towel you use on your body can lead to breakage and frizz. Microfiber hair towels and turbans not only minimize this damage, they also cut down on drying time. I have this one and this one and love both.
  4. Sleep on silk or satin. Research has shown that sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase is better for your hair and skin than a regular pillowcase. Slip is the most well-known brand, but their cases are fairly pricey. I found this one at TJMaxx for a lot less, and I think it’s been helpful.
  5. Choose your hair ties carefully. There are so many options that do less damage to hair. The OG Goody elastics now come without metal. invisibobble spiral hair rings have a strong hold and come in clear and a variety of neutrals. Slip’s silk scrunchies are made for delicate hair and eliminate kinks. Take care of your hair on ponytail days too!
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Meet Sam

Hello and welcome to La Petite Pear! My name is Sam, and this is where I share curve-friendly, affordable style + favorite products, destinations, and a look at life as a toddler mom in New York.


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