For some reason, I’ve never felt comfortable in a suit. When I had job interviews, I always tried to find a way around it, and fortunately I’ve never had a job that required one. But lately I started to think about suits a little differently. For work they may need to be neutral and traditional most of the time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t rock a fun suit every once in a while! I was inspired by Carly to order this pink power suit, and let me tell you, I felt like a total boss!
Truthfully, I looked at a lot of colorful suits before I finally convinced myself to buy one. Even in a subtle blush, this is a look that makes a statement, and I wasn’t sure I could pull it off. But, this one comes in petite sizes and has just the right cut to flatter my curves. Also, credit to my amazing photographer, but my legs look long in these pants! A miracle! Also a miracle: I made it through a very busy time at work, and the Italy countdown is on! (10 days!) Hope your week is off to a great start!

Hair Clip: Ann Taylor (similar), Earrings: Kate Spade (similar), Necklace: Macy’s (similar), Jacket: Macy’s, Cami: J.Crew, Pants: Macy’s, Shoes: Talbots

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