Nine Months of Parenthood

Nine months of parenthood

It’s so hard to believe that Seth turned nine months old this week! Life before him seems like a distant memory, and it’s strange to think how pregnant I was this time last year. While there are times I miss the ease and freedom of pre-baby life, it’s been so amazing to experience life with our little man. The last time I shared an update was at six months, so here’s where we are after nine months of parenthood.

Seth has grown so much! (Look how tiny he was!) He’s started getting taller (/longer), but is still delightfully chunky. He can sit up on his own now and is working on standing and scooting. He’s got a great head of hair, which tends to stick up adorably. Bones and Seth have started to interact more, and it’s very cute. Seth is much more aware and engaged. He loves to play and can hold two toys at once. The best part is that he’s overall a very smiley, happy baby (unless he’s tired). His giggles are one of the best sounds in the world.

We’re gradually introducing him to new foods, and although it’s been a bit stressful, he’s definitely making progress. There’s so much out there about purees vs. baby led weaning that it can be overwhelming. Right now, we’re doing a combination, and it’s working well enough. It’s so cool to see him feed himself and try new flavors and textures!

Seth is a great sleeper at night, and has proven to be fairly adaptable, which we’re grateful for. He also likes riding in the car, and I’m excited to take him out more in the stroller as the weather warms up.

I shared a little mental health update on Instagram last night, but long story short, my anxiety was pretty high for a while. It’s gotten better, and I’ve actually started to feel more confident as a parent. This is major, considering where I was on the subject a couple of years ago. Parental instinct is a real thing, and there is a lot you just figure out as you go along. The amount of love I have in my heart for Seth is beyond what I could have ever imagined. That’s what motivates me and powers me through the exhaustion. There is so much I didn’t understand about parenthood until I became a parent. I have a much greater appreciation for my parents and all parents.

Being a mom has become such a big part of my life, and I’m still figuring out how to balance everything else. But, being Seth’s mom is the greatest gift. Thank you for letting me share this journey with you!

Meet Sam

Hello and welcome to La Petite Pear! My name is Sam, and this is where I share curve-friendly, affordable style + favorite products, destinations, and a look at life as a toddler mom in New York.


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