Somehow I ended up posting two outfits with white denim in one week. But, this one is a bit different from Tuesday’s…more casual, with shorts, a gingham top and a ponytail. During the day on the weekend, I’m all about easy summer style, and this outfit totally fits the bill. This is what I wore last Saturday when we were in Ohio with my family. Unfortunately, it wasn’t quite nice enough to take advantage of my aunt and uncle’s pool, but we did manage to spend time outside despite some persistent raindrops. I’ve had these white shorts forever and I love how they go with everything.
We were in Ohio for a Jewish practice called an unveiling, which takes place around a year after someone passes away. It’s the formal “dedication” of sorts for their headstone, and this was for my grandpa who passed away in September. Pa, as I called him, was 98 years old, and still had plenty of spunk…almost until the end. We hadn’t seen each other in a while, but the last time I talked to him, he was happy to hear from me, and even asked about Bones (who he called his furry grandchild!) Our relationship was a bit bumpy at times, but he was still my grandpa, and I don’t think I realized quite how much I missed him until we were standing there in the cemetery. He wasn’t always the most openly loving guy, but in recent years, he’d started saying “I love you” more when we hung up the phone. We didn’t usually talk about much, but all he really cared about was hearing my voice. I don’t think I realized that at the time, and I wish I had called him more. So, just a reminder to appreciate people while they’re still around. Once they’re gone, you won’t get a chance to tell them how much they mean to you and you don’t want to be left with regrets.
And now more outfit pictures…