One of my favorite Kate Spade phrases is the short and sweet reminder to “live colorfully.” Although in Kate’s case, I think a lot of her colorful life was a cover for hidden darkness, I still believe in the concept. You can interpret living colorfully in so many ways: your attitude, traveling to new places, trying interesting food, and of course, you can dress colorfully too. Whenever I wear this colorful dress, which flatters my shape in the best way, it gives me an instant confidence boost. As an introvert, I don’t always love to stand out, but it’s fun to step out of my comfort zone when it comes to fashion. This dress is also perfect for a summer work day, and it has those magical snaps that hold your bra straps in…it’s the little things!
This weekend was a lot of fun! On Friday, I went to check out the Rose Mansion with two of my friends. It was quite the experience, and I’ll be sharing more about it later this week. Saturday, I took the train to Jersey City, rented a car, and drove to Allentown, Pennsylvania for my friend Mackenzie’s bridal shower. It was a long day, and I was in the car longer than I was there, but I really wanted to be there for her and I’m so glad I went. One of the things I’ve learned about friendship as an adult is that some people are worth investing in. They might not be the ones you’ve known the longest, and maybe you didn’t know them at certain milestones in your life, but they’re the ones who have been there for you when you needed them the most. They are the people who make an effort for you, and that’s so important. Okay, back to my colorful dress!