I used to wear a lot of American Eagle in middle school (anyone else?!) Over the past few years, I’ve gotten back into their clothes as they’ve evolved as a brand, but by far my favorite development has been the growth of Aerie. Originally just an offshoot of AE that specialized in loungewear, bras and undies, Aerie has come to be a major force in the fashion world and an example to the fashion world of how to truly serve (and love) customers of all shapes and sizes.
In 2014, Aerie introduced the #AerieREAL campaign, sharing un-retouched photos of real women as their models. Since then, they’ve continued to promote body positivity and self-love, fighting against age-old perspectives like you have to have a “bikini body” to wear a two-piece. Right now, for every un-retouched photo posted with the hashtag, Aerie will donate $1 (up to $10K) to the National Eating Disorders Association…how amazing is that?
Late last year, Aerie opened a pop-up shop in NYC. I saw photos popping up on my feeds and I couldn’t wait to check it out! I finally made it there last month, and it was just as cute in person. I saved my Instastory from my trip to the pop-up, so take a look inside!
For me, being able to shop online and see people who look like me in clothing and bathing suits is incredible. I hit puberty early, and I had curves before most girls my age. My weight has fluctuated as an adult, and I haven’t always loved how I look. It’s hard to see things in magazines, on blogs and social media and feel like I “can’t” wear them because I’m not stick thin. Part of the reason I rebooted this blog was because I know I’m not the only curvy girl who feels that way and I wanted to be an example of how to love the skin you’re in. The truth is that sometimes that’s easier said than done, but with brands like Aerie leading the way, I have faith that the future of fashion will be more inclusive.
If you’re in NYC, definitely check out the Aerie pop-up. From what I hear, it will be around for at least the rest of the year, and I definitely plan on visiting again soon.
SO fun!! I’m such a fan of how AE and Aerie have evolved…. wish I was in NYC to take advantage of this!
Couldn’t agree more! Definitely add the pop-up to your list for your next visit…also drinks with me!