On Friday, Bones and I took a trip to Chappaqua for the annual summer get-together with my husband’s colleagues. It was fun, but exhausting, and I was perfectly happy to have an otherwise low-key weekend. This black and white outfit is what I wore for brunch with my friend Marissa and her family, who were in town for a Yankee game. Marissa and I met at summer camp when we were only nine years old, and yesterday I got to meet her daughter for the first time. We’re now in the stage of life when we have more friends having kids than getting married, and although it kind of makes me feel old, it’s so amazing to see our friends as parents!
Although black and white isn’t a typical combination for summer, and you may not want to wear dark colors at all when it’s warm out, you can make it work when you when paired with lighter colors or neutrals. What I love about this outfit is the contrast: black and white, plus a sporty graphic tee with a feminine eyelet skirt (previously seen here). I also added a little color with my favorite hold-everything bags. P.S. Currently counting down the days…we leave on Saturday for California, and I could not be more excited!