I’m all about getting off on the right foot at the start of a new year. Whether you make resolutions, change up your routine, or make big moves in your life, you should definitely start 2014 refreshed! So, I put together a little treat yo’ self kit with some fabulous beauty products! Many ways to enter below. Happy New Year!
Discount Codes
Get a month free from Rocksbox with code SAMANTHATBFF55
20% off at Parade with code SAMGRAMS
First manicure free at Glosslab with code SamanthaA104
Get 10% off your order at Hape Toys with code SAMGRAMS
Get 20% off your order at Zutano with code SAMGRAMS
Get 10% off your order at Cincha Travel with code SAMGRAMS
Get 10% off your order at Kitsch with code SAMGRAMS
$15 off a stroller from Zoe Baby with code SAMANTHA15
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I didn’t really make resolutions this year, but everything I want for myself (get back on the WW bandwagon, walk/work out more, finally start going to therapy, do more writing…) falls under one umbrella theme: Be kind to myself. Does that count as a resolution?
My new years resolution is to not wear a top bun everyday, even if that means a ponytail everyday. Also to do something positive for myself everyday.
Mine are: always arrive on time (or early) to work, find a fitness class that’s right for me & stick with it, and start the grad school application process.
My new Years resolution is to eat healthy drink plenty water get enough sleep and workout more often
Mine are to stop dragging my feet and figure out what I want to do about grad school, and to not keep my phone next to my bed. I am using a real alarm clock so…we’ll see.
Travel more !
To learn to whistle with my fingers. You know that really loud, manly whistle?
I have too much going on to focus on a specific resolution. I just want to keep doing what I’m doing to graduate with my Master’s and then get a full-time job. Once that works out, then I may come up with a resolution then.
try not to be so negative
Enter in a university
Eating more clean! and focusing on my studies more!